Thursday, November 8, 2018

Six weeks out from open heart surgery: Everything except my heart getting back to normal

Today marks six weeks since I have had open heart surgery.

Almost everything has gone as planned.  One thing hasn't:  I am having problems with irregular heart beats and a rapid heart rate.  Why this is the case is unknown.  One idea given by my cardiologist is that my heart had adapted to the bad valve, and now that it is fixed it doesn't know how to behave.  That makes it sound like I should send it to time out, which I'm about ready to do if it doesn't shape up.

So, this means a basically endless procession of meetings with health care professionals.  This week we will have FOUR such meetings.  Today's meeting was to get something called a Holter.  It is a 24-hour device to monitor my heart.  I have all kinds of sticky things on my chest, and have to carry a little device around with me.

I never could have anticipated this, but oh well.

We are now in Mesa, AZ.  We came here because there were more opportunities for me to rehab here---it is sunny so we can take a very pleasant 3-mile walk every day (or twice a day), and we have a pool and gym almost right outside our door.  We have taken advantage of all of these opportunities.  We purchased an inexpensive tandem bike, and started riding it today:

We have started going to the pool, and I am using a,.,,,,,gasp..... noodle.  I never saw myself as a noodle person, but I need to use one so I can gradually work my way back to more strenuous activities.

We go to the gym to ride the exercise bikes.  For the past few days the screens on our bikes have been advertising a luncheon with the title:  "Improve your quality of life and gain bladder control."  I can't wait.  I hope we don't have other plans at that time.

The doctors we need are within walking distance--about a mile and a half.  No more needing to spend 6-8 hours for a single doctor appointment.  No more ferry.  No more long drive.  No more getting up at 5:00 in the morning to avoid rush hour.  We have walked to all of our appointments here.

I thought that by now I would be back to normal, and I am anything but.  I should have known, however, because when you start having heart problems they can evolve and require on-going care.  I just don't want to admit it is happening to me, that's all.

We have more appointments to try to figure this heart rate thing out.  It's kind of unfair in a way (whining alert!) because my actual heart muscle and arteries are excellent, and excellent in particular for someone my age.


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