Thursday, May 31, 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

Our 7th anniversary celebration

Our anniversary celebration lasts two weeks.  Every year.  Why not?  We celebrate many different and meaningful events that happened our first two weeks together.  We have done this for seven years now. We'll continue doing it even when we are in wheelchairs in the old folks' home.  Or hopefully teetering around while dancing using our walkers in the southwest deserts we love so much.

Today we celebrated the first time Vicky came over to the house to practice dancing.  For the occasion, she wore the same outfit she wore seven years ago. I told her I was wearing the same socks. 

This is a waltz to Lavender's Blue, from the Disney film Cinderella.  Only weird film buffs would know this, but the song Lavender Blue was sung by Burl Ives in the very sweet 1948 Disney film So Dear to My Heart.  Ives sung it to a different beat, 4-4.  It was adapted for Cinderella in 3/4 time and sung beautifully by Lily James.

We also celebrated by dancing a Nightclub Two-step to the unforgettable Dolly Parton song "I will always love you."  We both think it is her best song.

Our "anniversary celebration" will last another 10 days. 

And, as usual, we went out for dinner at Buck's Cafe in Everett and then to dancing at Noreen's--what we did on our first date!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Our 6th Inland Empire ride

It is one of our two or three favorite rides of the year.  The high point is an 8-mile climb of 1000+ feet up Weber Canyon, and then a 10 mile ride on the top of it, in a place called Horse Heaven Hills.  There is other worldly beauty through this area.

Our ride this year was 68 miles.  Here we are at the top of Horse Heaven Hills, with the city of Prosser just below us, getting ready for the steep descent.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

We finally achieve middle class status.....

We have an aluminum garage door and an automatic garage door opener for it.  For real. 

This year's home improvement project.  Our old garage door was made of wood and was HEAVY.  Vicky, who is very strong, could open it, but with her replacement disk it isn't wise for her to lift something like this.  It necessitated pulling up on it and then I had to get it on my shoulder to push up.  It was time for a replacement, obviously.

Oddly, we'll still not use the garage for our car very often.  Our 12-year-old Prius has already spent 10 years of its life outdoors, so the paint is shot.  And it has damage to the front bumper.  And chipped paint everywhere from bicycles.  The good old reliable thing still chugs along fine, though, still getting mileage in the high 40s.  Should last another 10 years. 

Many people on Whidbey Island have a nice car and a beater pickup.  We have a nice pickup and a beater car. 

And the pickup wouldn't fit in the garage, not with the lawnmowers and tools. 

But, it's nice to have a garage door that opens....even if you don't really have a garage.