Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Camping with Ian and Adam at South Whidbey State Park

This is our first camping trip with Ian and Adam, and our first trip in our "new" camper.  The boys are natural campers.  The alterations in their schedules and routines that camping involves doesn't phase them at all, which makes it fun.

This park has special meaning for Vicky because her children spent many hours playing on this beach.

We hope there will be many, many more of these in future years

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Adam visits: Our first, of many over the years, camping trip with a grandchild 2011 August

Adam, age four, eating Vicky's breakfast of blueberries on oatmeal and home-made granola with mixed fruit.  Yum.

 We had a number of cabinets sent to us, and Adam loved playing in the boxes:

Stella and Marina came over, and they liked them too!

We went for a picnic at Ebey's Landing with them:

Later, Adam doing "chores" around the house:

Next, we went camping at South Whidbey State Park:

Of course, there were s'mores!


Adam has so much life and enthusiasm.  We had a very memorable time.