Saturday, July 13, 2024

Two foxes and a herd of elk came to visit us….

 ….at our cabin!

On the same day while hiking just a half mile from our cabin, we saw two of the miniature coues deer who live in our mountain forests.

And on the way home young javelinas dashed across the street in front of us.

Sightings of such an abundance of wildlife is totally normal when you live in the small mountain town of Pine.

We talked to a man that lives on the east hill above Pine that said he had seen two bears, a mountain lion, and a bobcat on his security cameras….all on the same night.

Not to be outdone, Dan told him that last winter we had a mountain lion climb all fourteen steps up onto our front deck.

We guess that the large cat was hunting squirrels that were nesting in the drawer under our bench, or maybe he wanted to lounge in our comfy camp chair for the night.

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