Monday, July 15, 2024

Braving the monsoons

The weather report is awful.  Thunderstorms predicted every afternoon for the next two weeks.  We had already delayed our camping trip, since there were storms predicted for last week too.

By this time we were desperate.  We wanted to camp up on the Mogollon Rim and hike, cycle, and dance.  So off we went.  Our concession was to not bring our bikes.  With the wind and rain during a monsoon storm, our electric bikes could be ruined.  

But since the storm clouds gather in the afternoons, we figured we could dance and hike in the mornings. And if we think we might get blown off a cliff or struck by lightning, we’ll just pack up and return to our cabin.  After all, we’re just 24 miles and an hour drive away from Pine.

Look at the great camping site that we found!

The good thing is that with all the storms predicted, we have the Rim virtually to ourselves!

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