Sunday, July 28, 2024

‘Til death do us part….

….and even in death, we will be not be apart.  We will be together—dancing and walking in our “Fields of Gold.”

Thirteen years ago Mom and Dad married us.  Dad walked me “down the aisle.”

Dad preformed our lovely and meaningful ceremony, and Mom sang beautifully at our wedding….

Emily and Sean sent us our wedding cake….

It was a wonderful start to our perfect union….

Everyday we feel that Mom and Dad are with us.  We feel their presence in a very real way.  

Today, 13 years later, we celebrated our marriage and our love for each other.  We celebrate Mom and Dad, and all our family, children, and grandchildren.  And to all of them, we want to say thank you—and we want to let them know that we are more in love than the day that we were married.

A joke present for Vicky.  We are watching the 1970’s Bob Newhart series.  On their anniversary, Bob gave Emily a Blenderizer.  She was furious and it darn near ruined their anniversary.  Of course, she ended up getting even with Bob, and they were still happily in love.

I guess that Vicky ended up making it a joke on Danny.  She loves all her new (vintage) kitchen items, and just like Bob and Emily Newhart, Dan and Vicky are still happily in love!

Definitely a joke present, since Danny complains about Vicky making him eat his veggies everyday.
But he does admit that the carrots and veggies may be one of the reasons that he survived his heart attack!

A special anniversary tribute from Candice:

Special cards from Kathy and Tonia:

We met at a dance, danced in the lobby of Mom and Dan’s assisted living facility after they married us.  So, of course, we danced today!

Since Danny borrows Vicky’s pen—and then can never remember where he put it….

A gift for Vicky—a 1950’s (made in Japan) tin and celluloid dancing couple….the perfect gift!

Our gifts to each other….

We both gave each other vintage salt and pepper shakers.  Danny’s was of a mountain lion couple, since we had a mountain lion on our front deck last winter.  We already have cowboy salt and pepper shakers in our cabin, so Vicky’s salt and pepper shaker gift was of an Indian couple.  After all, you can’t have cowboy’s without Indians too!

The mountain lions and Indians are a great addition to our collection of salt and pepper shakers that we’ve gifted each other….

Vicky gave Danny a photo of us dancing to “Fields of Gold” in our fields of gold, the exact place where we want our ashes spread.  Danny gave Vicky a vintage advertising card from the Sting song, “Fields of Gold,” so we combined the two gifts into one!

Our cards to each other filled with love and romance….

Our special anniversary dinner….

…barbecued steak and Mom’s famous, family noodles with green beans!

Today we gave each other Book 21 and Book 22 of our life…..

Unbelievable that we now have twenty-two books filled with photos and stories of all we have experienced together and with family, children, and grandchildren—so many good times, so many memories….
And all of these memories, side by side, going through the years and life together.

We take our wedding vows and all the promises that we made to each other 13 years ago very seriously. This is our life, and we will live happily ever after, as we have lived for all the years that we have loved each other.

Us dancing together through all eternity….

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