Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Our littlest grandchild….born July 29th at 8:13 am

 We are so happy.  He is just precious.  

He’s a big boy…8 pounds - 1 ounce, and 21” long.  And look at all his beautiful hair!

Owen was with Mila and helped her during the birth of their son.  Mila said that she was able to give birth without medication because Owen was there to help her get through the hard, painful times.  

Our new grandson doesn’t look so big while sleeping in his Papa’s arms.  

Hannah holding her little brother…you can see the pride and happiness in her eyes.

Several months before he was born, Hannah had named him Samson.  She had decided that the baby should be named Samson from the stories and pictures of Samson in the Bible.  She has also gave herself the middle name of Sarah, and decided that Vernon’s middle name will be Treehouse because he likes to climb trees. 

But as soon as she saw her baby brother, Hannah said, “He doesn’t look like Samson. He looks too cute for Samson.  Samson is a serious name.” 

We have yet to know what Owen and Mila (or maybe Hannah) will name this sweet little boy.  We’re calling him “our little bundle of joy.”

Vernon, who is only a year and nine months old, is too rambunctious to sit still and hold his baby brother. Instead, he looks at his little baby brother, gently pets him, and says, “baby.”  

Owen and Mila now have three children.  Here is a photo of all of them when they visited us last February at Nuestra Casa.  What a wonderful family!

Mila was just a few months pregnant when they were with us…and now a tiny baby is born into the World.  It is truly a miracle.

This little gift from God is our 14th grandchild.  Our oldest grandchild, Ian, was born 20 years ago on July 29th—the same day as this little baby was born.  The birthday of our oldest grandchild is certainly an auspicious day for the birth of our youngest grand baby.

Happy Birthday Ian and Happy Birthday to our little bundle of joy!

Welcome to the world, little guy.  Welcome to our family….we love you so very much.

Only a day old, and he’s already alert and seeing his adoring family for the first time.  

The Burt Family:
Proud Papa, the happy brother and sister, and Mama, looking like the Madonna, holding the new born child….

Owen and Mila have chosen two special family names for their new son….Robert Bayard.

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