Friday, July 19, 2024

Dancing to ”Sella by Starlight” for our granddaughter Stella

My love found the perfect song to honor our dear granddaughter, Stella.  So today we danced to that song in the pine forest on the edge of the Mogollon Rim. Our dance floor was softened by the pine needles that have fallen for thousands of years on the ancient rocks that line the edge of the Rim.

We held each other close and danced to many beautiful songs that my Danny had put together into a wonderful dance list.  

But this song we dedicated to our special granddaughter, Stella.

Dancing to “Stella by Starlight” sung by Ella Fitzgerald—for our very own Stella….

Our camping trip has come to an end.  Storm clouds had gathered every afternoon.  We’ve heard thunder booming in the distance all afternoon, and at times overhead.  It was wild outside, but very snug and cozy inside our camper.

The rain had come and gone by morning, as had the clouds, to bring the sun rising upon a refreshed and  damp day.  But there is torrential rain and flooding predicted for Sunday…time for us to be safe and leave the high plateau.

We have lived in the forest in our little camper for the last four days and spent every minute together.  This is the life that we love.  

We are both ready to head home to our lovely cabin, where we’ll spend every minute together, waiting for the birth of our fourteenth grand baby.

Our life is truly blessed….

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