Sunday, May 19, 2024

We are so proud of you, Marina!

Today we watched Marina graduate from Boulder High School….1000 miles away in our cabin in Pine.  Thank goodness for live streaming—and the photos that Candice and Stella sent to us.  We wouldn’t have wanted to miss this momentous occasion.  We were very moved to see our little granddaughter all grown up, and headed out on her new adventure in life.

In fact, now that we are old and looking back on our lives, we believe that Marina’s graduation was much more moving than our own.  Life holds so many surprises as the years pass by, both good and not so good.  She will have happy experiences and sad times.  There will be easy choices and difficult decisions ahead for her.  We know that she will have some disappointments and many successes. 

We just pray that she will have a good life, as we have had.  That her life will be sweet. And that she will have many precious memories throughout the years.

Marina, we are so proud of all that you have achieved in your life.  We will always be proud of you…just continue to live your life in a way that is right for you.

We love you, dear Marina.

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