Saturday, May 18, 2024

A couple of crazy lovebirds

We have a stack of napkins from Mom and Dad Graybill’s half century wedding anniversary—left over from their anniversary party 27 years ago.  As a special surprise for my dear Danny, I placed one of these celebratory napkins on each of our dinner plates today.   

If we had an anniversary napkin made this year, this is what it would look like:



Dan & Vicky forever

2011 - May 13 - 2024

Today we celebrated our 13th anniversary….thirteen years since the week that we went on our first date, first kissed, fell in love, and became engaged.  All this happened in ten days.  No wonder our children, family, and friends were surprised.  One day we had never gone on a date together, and when we met each other’s children and parents a few days later, we were engaged and had set a wedding date.  

What’s more,  we fell in love on our first date, May 13th.  And this “date” hadn’t even started out as a date.  So technically, we never even had a first date.  We fell in love the first time that we sat down together and talked.  Then later that night, on May 13th, we went to a dance.  We were inseparable that night, dancing with no one else.  And we have been inseparable ever since.

It was a magical first “date.”  We have had a magical life together.  And, today, when we celebrated our anniversary week, we had another magical day.

Breakfast in bed for my Danny….

Dancing together, just like on our first “date”….

 Fondue on our front porch….

Presents, cards, dessert, and lots of love….

When we die, our children will be able to say, “Mom and Dad found each other, fell in love in one day, were always together, and loved each other deeply and completely all their lives.”

Or as Emily once happily exclaimed, “you guys are a couple of crazy lovebirds.”

Our life together has been a fairytale come true….”and they lived happily ever after.”

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