Sunday, May 19, 2024

Our first baby elk sighting this spring….

 …..right in our front yard, as we were sitting quietly on our deck.

Mama kept watch, as her baby nursed.  What trust the little baby had that Mama would keep him safe.

After the baby elk was well fed, he nestled down next to the warm concrete bulkhead and took a nap for over four hours.  

See him in the sunshine, near the drain pipe?

He woke up when a raven stood on the bulkhead above his head and squawked loudly at him.  But he didn’t move from the safe spot where his Mama had left him.  He waited patiently for Mama to come back for him.  

Mama must have been having an afternoon out with the girls.  But she did return to keep her baby safe, as the sun set and it grew dark.  She must have known that we often see mountain lions at our cabin at night.

This is one of the many reasons that we have a cabin in Pine.  We love living in this small mountain hamlet amidst the wildlife and pine trees!  And we can see it all from our front porch!

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