Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day week…..

 We had our first Mother Day celebration a week ago with Candice, Marina, Stella, and Adam.

Stella gave me a cup that she had made with etchings of the sun and the moon on it.  Isn’t it beautiful!

And it is just perfect in our cabin…thank you, Stella.

Candice also celebrated Father’s Day.  We’re going to spend an afternoon trying out all our new skin products.  We’re going to look so good, we’ll not want to spend even a second apart.  Wait a minute, we are already inseparable.

We all have very cool matching hats now….thank you Candice!

Then Tonia made a delicious Mother’s Day dinner for Kathy and me a few days ago.

Photos of sweet Aryana and Easton sent by Alison….

On Mother’s Day I received many very special and beautiful cards and gifts….

… phone calls and so much love from all our children and grandchildren.  Luckily, on our drive home from Colorado, we were able to get some FaceTime calls too….

Sebastian, Soren, Sean, and Emily called us from their treehouse in their backyard.

Mila and Owen, with dear Vernon and Hannah….and of course our new little grandson in Mila’s belly.

Hannah sang several nursery rhymes to us….and she knew them all by heart, so she can now “read” them to Vernon too!

I felt so much love from our family….as I always do.  It was overwhelming to have all this love expressed in so many ways this past week….overwhelming in a good way.

I am filled with love for each and every one of you.  Thank you.

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