Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area: our first night

Sort of.

We're on our way!

Yesterday morning we realized we were ready. Nothing more to do. We were sitting around a large chunk of the afternoon just watching the clock and waiting waiting waiting until this morning when we had planned to leave. We decided heck with that, and so drove to Vicky's sister and brother-in-law's place (Alicia and Bill) in Normandy Park, so we could stay the night there and leave this morning from the south side of Seattle. It was fun to see them, and Bill gave me (us, actually me) a great bottle of wine that I'm going to open some place when I have three nights to drink it. Bill knows wines. yum.

So, thanks to Bill and Alicia. who let us "camp" our first night in their driveway.

We left there about 8:00 a.m., and arrived at an RV campground called the Woahink (there's a lake here named Woahink, which tells you why there is a Woahink campground, but not a lake named Woahink).

It's nice. And right next to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, which is why we chose it.

Our rig did fine today. Everything inside stayed where it was supposed to. Yeah! All of that work, and it's as good as we could possibly make it. We got about 10 miles to the gallon, which surprised us (with how good it was). We were on great roads, though. The water temperature gauge seems to bounce around a little, so I'll have to keep my eye on that. We might break down somewhere along the Oregon or California Coast and have to stay a few days to get something repaired. Wouldn't that be awful?

But other than a minor worry about this gauge, it was smooth sailing.

We arrived about 4:00. Parked the camper, and headed for the dunes (Dunes--Frank Herbert was apparently inspired by these same dunes to write the Science Fiction Classic Dune. Cool, huh?). They are beautiful, although we didn't make it the mile and a half to the ocean. I'm still rehabbing my foot, so have started with one mile walks. We'll see if we can get farther tomorrow.

The only thing that mars the beauty of these dunes is all of the tracks from ATV's. I don't get the appeal of these loud, environment-destroying machines. Haven't people who ride them ever heard of hiking, or dancing, or just staying at home and riding around on their lawn mowers? I also don't understand why they are allowed in National Recreation Areas. I'm writing my congressperson and letting him or her know how I feel, as soon as I go on line and find out who my congressperson is.

Here are some photos:

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