Friday, September 20, 2024

Please spread our ashes in our beloved grasslands

A glorious hike as summer was blending into fall—in the midst of the grasslands where we will to be together through all eternity….

I just had to capture our grasslands alive with thousands of golden blossoms. And my dear husband just had to capture me in our Fields of Gold, surrounded by my lovely flowers.

Young bulls fighting to be King of the grasslands…..boys will be boys.  I sure do love my boy, my Danny, my King of the Grasslands!

While the bulls fight, the mama cows contentedly graze nearby as they watch over their teenage children.

Our next campsite….with a 360 degree view of the grasslands that we love so very much.

We plan to return many times to camp, hike, and dance in our grasslands.  

And at some time, our dear family, child, and grandchildren (and maybe great grandchildren) will return to our beloved grasslands to spread our ashes.  

Then we will hold hands, wearing our matching shirts, and happily live here forever together.

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