Monday, September 9, 2024

Lost in the medical maze in Mesa

Six months ago I scheduled ALL of our fall doctor’s appointments for the week after we returned from our trip to visit our family and grandsons in Georgia.  

The plan was that we would that after our appointments we back up to our mountain cabin in Pine….and get ready for our October road trip in our truck/camper to Bears Ears, the Moab 240 Endurance Run, and Valley of the Gods.

We should have remembered one of our favorite quotes, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”

The wrench in our plans, was when Dan told the cardiologist that he doesn’t have his normal energy back since he had the heart attack last January.

Ourz week of doctor’s appointment immediately expanded into two weeks and has now blossomed into:

14 doctor’s appointments
3 lab appointments 
2 covid/flu shots
Passport renewal appointment 
Estate Attorney consultation 
Buy, move, & tune the piano that I bought for my Danny

To be fair—we already had a ton of appointments!  The news that Dan didn’t have as much energy only increased to four additional doctors’s appointments and one more lab test.  But these new appointments includes some major testing….an echocardiogram and a four hour nuclear heart stress test.  

He also now has a CT Scan scheduled to check out his hearing loss.

We’re not really complaining.  We are pleased that we have access to such thorough and wonderful medical care.  And the cardiologist has allowed Danny to discontinue taking one of his heart medications that has major negative side effects. 

But we are amazed at the amount of time and energy that it takes to maneuver the medical maze.  Every doctor’s office has a different online system, each requires a lengthy online check-in process, and each one calls, texts, and emails us numerous times to remind us of our appointment.  And we’ve never forgotten or missed a doctor’s appointment in our lives.  We are being punished by all the other people who forget about their appointments.

We are having a blast between our multiple appointments….we’re really enjoying our time in Mesa, even though in the middle of the day, it is WAY too hot for us spoiled mountain cabin dwellers!

Cycling at night and as the sun rises over the Superstition Mountains….

When we cycle in the wee hours of the morning, we have the world to ourselves and can dash around on the maze of community roads and the nine miles of golf cart trails.  Every night we see numerous rabbits and one or more coyotes hunting the pesky bunnies.  Often we spot a skunk and a family of raccoons scurrying for safety into the bushes or drainpipes.  

Our favorite spot to take a break is on the golf course, bordering our beautiful home surrounded by the blossoming bushes that we planted with love.

Knitting for little grand babies….

Making pea soup for our road trips—using stock from our Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey’s….

Danny relearning all of our favorite songs from the 50’s and 60’s….

I love to watch and hear my love playing all our special songs….just for me.

Dancing in each other’s arms….

All of these appointments aren’t too bad.  We are together always, so of course, we have a good time.  Doctor’s appointments are part of getting old….part of life.  And we don’t want to miss even a tiny bit of our time left on this earth together.  

It is also fun to interact with the staff, and show them appreciation for all that they do to make old folks, like us, have a better life.

If there are no problems discovered with Dan’s additional heart testing, we will be cleared to head out on our October road trip.  And it will be uplifting and freeing to drive north together in our truck/camper knowing that my dear Danny has a healthy heart!

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