Thursday, August 22, 2024

We have hiked 5000 miles….NOT

For the last thirteen years, my Danny has kept meticulous records of all our bike rides, dances, walks, and hikes.  He keeps this data on spread sheets that include the distance, elevation, and time spent on the activity.

Today while hiking the Pine-Strawberry Trail, Dan asked a man that we passed if he would take our picture.  There was a BIG surprise that my love was saving for me…. he announced that we had just passed our 5,000th mile hiking!

This was a really big deal for us.  We have taken a photo every time we have hiked a thousand miles. At 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 miles we have taken a photo indicating how many miles we have hiked.  

So today we took a photo of our achievement of hiking 5000 miles together!

Oops…it looks like we have hiked 0005 miles.  Oh well, in today’s age of iPhone photo technology, we can fix that.

5000 miles!

We were totally stoked….until we got home and Dan entered our new hiking miles into his database.  Looks like we still have 40+ miles to hike before we get to our 5000 miles.

Even though we didn’t pass the 5000 miles of hiking today, we did get to see some pretty spectacular things (besides seeing each other).

A Coues deer buck:

The biggest tarantula that either of us have ever seen:

A gorgeous sunrise:

We now have two new goals: 

Hike 5000 miles before the New Year of 2025.  And to take our photo correctly at the REAL 5000 mile marker! 

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