Thursday, August 29, 2024

First month of life….

Papa holding his newborn son.

Robert Bayard baptized at six days old…..

Nothing cuter than a sleeping baby—especially our sleeping grand babies.  This little guy sleeps an awful lot.  Doesn’t he look contented and adorable?!!

While Robert sleeps, Vernon and Hannah are hard-riding cowboys on the rocking horse that we sent them!

Vernon shoots his “gun” from horseback.

Papa said that Vernon spent so much time riding on the first day he got his horse that he got a blister on his hand.  It makes us happy that he is enjoying his gift so very much. 

Robert continued to sleep soundly as his brother and sister galloped away on their horse.

He even sleeps while cradled in Hannah’s arms….

Little four-year-old Hannah is a born mother.

Robert was crying, so Hannah comforted him….and put him to sleep.

Hannah pretended to be asleep so her little brother, Vernon, would take a nap.

Hannah and Vernon giving each other hugs and kisses….

And then she has more hugs for little Robert….

There is a new little baby in the home, but luckily, Vernon has learning how to get dressed all by himself!

Robert awakens and looks at the world and his loving family.  He has such innocence, trust, and faith that he will be loved and cared for.  This is what every baby should feel and have.

Robert cuddled safely in his Mama’s arms….

Robert’s first smile on his one month birthday!

Happy one month old Birthday, Robert!

It looks like Robert is waving to us….

How time flies…this little grandson of ours is a month old.

In the blink of an eye, we are three quarters of a century old.  We are grandparents to fourteen grandchildren!  It seems like just yesterday that we were children ourselves. 

All of these fourteen grandchildren are ours to cherish and love for every moment of their lives.  And when we are gone, our hope and dream is that they will remember us….Grandma and Grandpa who loved them with all our hearts.

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