Friday, August 2, 2024

Aryana and Easton camping, fishing, and playing….

 ….with their Mama and Dada!

Mama, Easton, and Aryana in the shade of their trailer at Backbone State Park.  (Their dogs like to go camping too.)

Easton now knows why Dada told him to not touch the hook!

Our dear grandchildren take after us….they love to dance too!

When Aryana and Easton aren’t fishing or dancing, their other favorite pastime is swatting flies while they dash around on the playground equipment at the campground.

Even mealtime is a time to play and have fun when camping in their trailer….

Look what Aryana hooked on her line!

You’re never too young to start telling fish stories.  Easton’s telling Aryana how big the fish was that he caught!

Cooking fish for dinner….

Nothing’s better than eating ice cream on a hot day….with Mama and Dada!

Aryana and Easton have the best Mama and Dada!

We wish that we were there with this loving family of ours….fishing, camping, dancing, and playing.  Oh, and eating ice cream and the fish that dear little Easton and Aryana caught just for us!

They are visiting us this winter, and we’re already planning all the fun we will have with this special family and these sweet little grandchildren—teaching them how to swim, hiking in the desert, making chocolate chip pancakes with the little guys, playing with our grandchildren, dancing, walking around the beautiful ponds in Leisure World, eating ice cream, laughing together, and sharing lots and lots of hugs!

As Aryana and Easton say, “We’re going to see Mima and Pipa and swim!”  

Never thought that we would be called “Mima” and “Pipa,” but we love it….nothing better than hearing their little voices yelling, “We love you, Mima and Pipa!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so amazing! Thank you both I love it. You two are amazing people and the best Mima and Pipa!!!
