Friday, February 17, 2017

A very unhealthy competition between our house and our camper

C'mon guys.  Get along, OK?

Well, about a month ago, while camping on BLM land in Arizona our camper's furnace went out.  So we had to get it fixed.

The total cost for the repair was $260, for a part that was tiny. 

So we get home, and within three weeks the furnace goes out.  Hmmmmm.

Well, here is the bad part.  Look familiar?

Total cost of the repair?  You won't believe this:  $270.

House wins!

We were also told that furnaces have a lifespan of about 15 years.  When the repair-person was here, and he opened the brain of it, we could see a mass of wires, etc.  Everything was very clean.

But 15 years?  The furnaces in the olden days would last 40 years.  What's that all about?

The furnaces these days don't last very long, and they must be very insecure about it. So they want their repairs to be larger than repairs for a camper furnace.  No other explanation makes sense.

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