Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Homer Bucket bites the dust....er, ashes

We heat with wood, using our propane furnace for less than 5% of our heating needs.  Wood is much cheaper since we are always having trees fall on our property or needing to take them down before they fall on our house.  An endless supply of free warmth.

But our wood stoves require effort to take care of.  We get the chimneys swept regularly, have to put up firewood, are bringing in wood and putting it into the stoves all day, and have to deal with ashes.

Typically we wait a day or so after we have used one of the stoves to empty the ashes.  We have used a Home Depot Homer bucket. We let them cool for another day on the porch, then spread them in the woods.....on a rainy day.

Well, a few days ago I apparently didn't let all of the ashes cool sufficiently before placing them into the bucket:

 But this is why we take the precaution of letting them cool a day before spreading them.  We think we will throw it away instead of trying to repair it....har har har.

Time for a real ashes bucket, thanks to eBay: 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vicky. Susan and I were just wondering how you were doing and wanted to pop in and say hi! Looks like you are having fun!
    Toni Elmendorf & Susan Hunt Krueger.
