Monday, January 28, 2013

Hike to the top of the hill

Today we decided to hike to the top of a hill.  It was about two miles from our campground, and it looked like something we might be able to do.

Now, looking like something we could do from a distance is quite different from looking like something we can do close up.  We realize this.  From a distance, the desert looks flat, with grassy knolls to tra-la-la through.  We have learned, though, that the desert is anything but easy.  There are washes to deal with, rocks one can’t see from a distance, steep climbs and cliffs that are only visible when one is close to them.  

This hill was no different.  Our challenge was finding the right place to start.  We walked to the base, across several washes that were not visible from a distance, to find several areas with large rocks that looked difficult to traverse.  We finally found an opening. 

Then, the rest of the walk up the hill was quite nice—a challenge, but nice.  Has anyone else ever walked up here?  Probably.  In fact, with not a lot of effort the Park Service could create a trail to the top, a safe one.  

See the Saguaro Cactus at the top?  


That was our goal.  For most of the hike up the hill we couldn’t see it.  And when we saw other Saguaros we kept thinking “that’s it!  We are almost there,” only to find when we got to it that it was only a tease—and another was visible farther up the ridge. 

But we got there.  Here is our cactus!

And the views!  Awesome.  


Like with all of our hikes, the post-hike ritual of removing Cholla Cacti from our shoes and clothes (and frequently us).  


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