Sunday, June 9, 2024

My birthday week….Boy howdy!

Boy howdy!  Have you ever heard this phrase before?  I never had—until I asked my Danny if he liked the campsite that I found for us for my birthday week camping trip.  All he said was, “Boy howdy!”

Even he was surprised when he exclaimed, “Boy howdy.”  It just popped out.  Although, he said that when he was a child, every time he was excited or REALLY, REALLY liked something, that’s what he would say.  And he doesn’t remember saying it in years.  

I wonder what he’ll surprise me with next.  This is part of what’s fun about being married all these years…there’s always something new to learn about each other.  Life is never boring with my Danny.

No wonder he uttered his enthusiastic old childhood phrase.  Our campsite in the pine forests, on the mesa on top of the Mogollon Rim, was pretty amazing!

In fact our whole week was pretty amazing…or I guess I’ll just say, “Boy Howdy!”

My 74th birthday with my love….and tons of fun and the “bestest” presents.  Thank you, my dear.

My special birthday dance with the love of my life….

My Danny served me flaming berry pie with ice cream for my birthday cake!

This is how you celebrate a birthday when you’re living in a camper in the Arizona heat—with a whole package of candles that have melted together.  Almost caught my hair on fire, but since it didn’t, we saved our 10 candles melted into one for our next birthday celebration.

These are a few of my favorite things….hiking, dancing, and cycling.  And during my birthday week, we did them all!

Every afternoon, we did my other favorite thing.  We sat quietly together.  And we talked, laughed, and held hands.

We spent every minute of every day together.  And at night we were awakened by the coyotes singing in the moonlight.

Turn on your sound….and you can hear the coyotes singing too!

My birthday week was definitely a Boy Howdy!!!!

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