Sunday, June 2, 2024

My birthday email to our family

Here is the email:

Good morning to all our dear family,

For my birthday, my Danny asked me what I wanted to do.  I told him that I wanted to camp for at least a week up on the Mogollon Rim….and dance, hike, sit together and knit and talk, cycle, and dance, dance, dance!

One reason that my dear husband is excited to take me camping is that he tells me that he has the absolute “bestest” gift ever for me.  I guess that he doesn’t know that the absolute “bestest” gift ever that he could give me is to spend the whole week together.  Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate my 74th birthday.  

Unfortunately, we don’t expect to have a cell signal.  Because if we did have a signal, we’d be surrounded by other campers. And we want to be all alone—unless any of you want to join us….that would be wonderful! 🥰

Thank you all for your Happy Birthday wishes….emails, texts, and phone calls.  And I received the most beautiful card from our dear sister, Kathy.

Our littlest grand babies even sang “Happy Birthday” to me….it was so precious!

This has been the “bestest” start to a birthday ever.  Thank you.

And now I’m off to spend a whole week in the mountain wilderness with my love.  

What a wonderful life! 

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