Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Finishing touches on the Quail

We spent the day working on the "bedroom" of the Quail (actually the entire thing is a bedroom).

One feature we added was latches to hold the inside storage doors closed:

Most of the time was spent making curtains for the doors and windows.

We knew we would need them, as otherwise at night anybody driving by could look right into the windows.  In addition, we need them for shade.  The constraints were that there isn't much space to be able to hang standard curtains or shades.

We came up with what we believe to be a terrific solution.  And, like for most things we end up doing, after we got the problem solved we couldn't reconstruct how we got to the solution.  We can't remember what part of this solution each of us came up with.  Totally gone.

What we did was hang small hooks above the windows and doors.  Then, Vicky cut squares out of a vinyl-like material the appropriate size that would cover them.  The vinyl-like material is heavy enough for them to hang appropriately.

Then we put grommets into the corners.  Now they hang just fine, right next to the windows, but if we want to we can lift a bottom corner and put it onto one of the top hooks and sort of have a half-shade.

Totally a good solution.  Vicky did all of the fabric work, including cutting the holes for the grommets.  I pounded the grommets into place and hung the small hooks.

Vicky cutting the fabric:

Ta da!

Then Vicky made the bed, using the new quilt she made just for the Quail.  She started with a 1950s tablecloth/map of Arizona, and built it around that.  On the reverse side is a 1950s tablecloth/map of Utah.  Pretty cool, huh?

Looks comfy doesn't it?

Vicky also planned what she wants and what we should try to carry in the kitchen area.

Most of what we take will be carried in the Rat.  But without bedding and all of the supplies that we put into the front metal storage box of the Quail, we will have an abundance of space.

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