Monday, May 26, 2014

Into the Wild...........Vicky starring in a Sean Penn film

In one of the areas we camped this winter we came across an old bus.  It reminded us of the bus in the Sean Penn film "Into the Wild."  I don't know if you have seen the film, but if you haven't, save yourself 2 and 1/2 hours of superficial tripe....and boredom.

The film is sorta based on a true story, of a young man who went into the Alaska wilderness and starved to death.  Along the way he meets a lot of really interesting people, a real slice of pretend America.  And with those people he manages to show insight and wisdom.  He's like a combination of Jack Kerouac, Woody Guthrie, Sir Richard Burton (the explorer who sought the origin of the Nile, not the actor) and Yoda. 

When in fact he was actually dumb as a rock--he starved to death even though there was plenty of food around to eat.  And he couldn't get back to civilization even though there was a way to cross the river only half a mile from where he was.   He died a needless death, starving and in pain. There is nothing to admire about his foolishness, and portraying him as a romantic figure trivializes him. 

And now, because of the film, even more people who shouldn't be doing it try to reach the bus.  Maybe if the film had portrayed the guy in a more realistic fashion, they would knock it off. 

Here is the listing for the film:

Here is Vicky starring in the film.  Cool photos are always more fun when a person is prepared for the wild, and respects its dangers.  And as a result, you know, lives. 

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