Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hike up Death Valley Wash

There is a major wash that runs the length of Death Valley, between the two mountain ranges.  It just so happens that it runs about 30 feet from our camping spot.  We have walked the northern direction a few times, but decided today we’d take it easy and walk the southern direction.  “Take it easy” is relative, of course, but walking in a wash is generally easier than walking across the desert.  There are some more-or-less flat spots one can find in washes.

We did 6.7 miles.  And we found some very odd things.

One is a perfectly good trash can.  Want it?  I can tell you where it is.  

The other was a perfectly good picnic table, buried in the sand long ago.  Like, huh?  You can have it too, but you’ll have more trouble sneaking it out of the park.  I think there’s some rule about stealing abandoned picnic tables, but I am not sure.

I’m mentioned this before on the blog, but next to generators in campgrounds and dogs on trails, my newest thing to rail about is helium balloons.  We find them all over the desert, miles from where they probably were released.

Don’t buy helium balloons.  Helium is a precious resource and it is being used up quickly.  But if you must by helium balloons for your celebration, DON’T RELEASE THEM!

Thanks.  Enjoy your day.  I’m done with the lecture.

Vicky’s new hiking socks.  Like them?


We pass 500 miles of hiking on Road Trip 2 on our hike up the wash.  Wahoo!


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