Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Let it close let it close let it close

Our purchase of the lot I bought for Vicky for her Valentine's Day gift got hung up. 

The title company needed a death certificate (not for us, we're still alive).  And the seller's realtor didn't take care of this before listing the house.

But it supposedly is on a FedEx jet at this moment heading for Payson, AZ, where the title company is located.  

We're anxious about it.  We want to get started cleaning up the property and being able to enjoy the added space that the property will afford us.  We didn't spend much on it because in Pine, AZ (where our cabin is), the city is issuing no more water meters.  This means no one can build on the lot.  

It's kind of weird to be hoping to get a death certificate.  It means sadness for two families.  Someday our home and cabin will be sold, and death certificates will be needed for that too.  That's life, I guess.

 IT CLOSED!!!!    Thank you, my dear Danny, for my Valentine lot 💘 at our cabin.  I love you.

1 comment:

  1. this is so cute! Got online as I was thinking of you to see what you two love birds were up to these days. And lookie here - dancing and loving each other so beautifully. I am so thankful to see you well and doing what you love - loving people.
