Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day: Our yearly tribute to Cousin Guy Alley

We published this entry (see below) on our blog several years ago.  We remember him every Memorial Day, and so have republished the blog entry several times.

Our lives are so good.  So very good.  

Why?  Because of Guy Alley, and because of all of the Guy Alleys.  He never had his life so we could have ours.  

As we say in the blog post below.  Memorial Day is not just a grill-hamburgers day.  It is mainly a day to remember all of the men and women who died so we could enjoy those hamburgers.

Cousin Guy:  We love you.  Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice for our us, for our children, and for our grandchildren.  We can never repay you.

We live in a world of "social influencers," of Tik-Tok, of Facebook, of Elon Musk's Twitter, of people like Cadet Bone Spurs (Trump).  All of those people, combined, aren't worth Guy Alley's spit.  Yet nobody, except maybe us, even knows who he was.  Can you imagine his mother's pain?  His father's pain?  It undoubtedly never went away.  It was probably the defining moment of their lives.  Can you imagine when the telegram arrived? 

Here is our original blog post about Cousin Guy who died fighting in WWII while trying to rescue another fallen soldier.  

It breaks our hearts.

Photos of Guy:

He is the oldest boy on the right:

He is the boy in the right:

We'll never know, but this could have been the last time his family ever saw him, as he was going off to war:

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