Saturday, September 18, 2021

Hey Dan! Will you bring this 150 lb log that is sitting near an extremely rocky mountain road home for me?

 I'll love you even more if you will do that.

Well, dear reader, what else can I say to that except............except.......sure!  That is called an "offer I can't refuse." 

Let's back up.

We took (yet another) hike this morning up on the rim.  Vicky, as usual, found a good spot for us to start from.  

The first road we took was a dead end.  And few people have been on it.  At times it was even difficult to make out.  But that was the fun of it!

When we got to the end of it (why was it even created, you may ask?  Our answer:  Beats us!) we turned around walked back to the Rat and headed down another road.

This one was really rocky, as the photo above shows.  One of the discoveries we have made  is old mining roads and old forest service roads.  They are much like established hiking trails except for one key difference--THERE ARE NO OTHER PEOPLE TO BOTHER US!!!

While I was tenderly walking down this road, trying to be careful of my wimpy, surgically repaired (three operations) foot, Vicky was springing along both sides of it looking for......ready for this?.......a log.

Fortunately for her we were in a forest and there were millions of them.  But not just any old log would do.  She wanted one for us to put on the front porch as a foot stool.  I completely was on board with this idea.  That is, until I saw the log she had picked out.

But, with my usual good nature(?), I helped roll it down the hill so we could drive back and pick it up. 

The road was a bear.  Rocky, pitted, tight.  In other words, it is why we bought a Toyota 4Runner.  It performed magnificently.  

Then our problem was how in the world to get it into the Toyota.  It had to weigh at least 150 pounds.

Fortunately we had a plastic lid with us (always carry a plastic lid when you go hiking).  We leaned the log against the lid on the back lip of the Toyota and then could slide it in on the lid.  Brilliant!  Wish I had thought of it.  Was Vicky's idea.

Then we had to, ever so carefully, drive back on this "road."

We're done!

uh, no we aren't. 

We still had to get it onto the porch.  

This part actually went much easier than we thought it would, even though we had to take it up the back stairs.

The reason it was easier than we had anticipated?  Whoever invented the hand truck deserves a place in some type of hall of fame.  (and, by the way, who did invent the hand truck?).

We put planks on the back stairs and up it went on the hand truck.  Easy peasy.

It now resides on our front porch, where we spend our afternoons.  It's large enough to serve as a totally cool footstool.


Bet you wish you had one!  If you do want one, DON'T CALL ME!   I only haul 150 lb logs for Vicky.

Perfect for a log cabin, huh?

Now, you may be thinking that this is a really nice thing for a husband to do for his wife.  And while I agree, I do need to add, in the spirit of honesty, that THIS IS NOT THE ONLY HEAVY THING I CARRIED FOR HER TODAY.

Before she found the log, she found what she said was the "perfect" rock to set under her teapot.  So, I also carried this huge rock for about a quarter mile.  Here I am doing my duty as a burro.

and here is where it now resides:

"Hiking" is sooo much fun!  

(Actually I really do like Vicky’s creative decorating.)

On a hike the very next week….

Vicky found some logs (she called them end tables) that she insisted would go perfectly with our log foot stool.  So we hauled these massive “tables” into the back of the 4runner and up onto our back porch.

I have to admit that they look awfully good and they are totally functional.

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