Wednesday, November 11, 2020

We finish the Tahoe Tessie Virtual race

We didn't win, but we never win.  We don't care about winning to tell the truth.  But we did earn our Tahoe Tessie belt buckle, and we do care about that!

This is one of Candice's virtual races through her business, Destination Trail.  The Tahoe Tessie is in honor of the Loch Ness Nessie.  Apparently a similar creature has been spotted in Lake Tahoe.

 We explained it in an earlier blog post:  Tahoe Tessie.

We started our 205.5 mile journey on September, 23, which is significant because it is Dan's father's birthday.  We finished today, November 11, at 4:30 a.m.  IN THE BITTER COLD.


We have invited "Tessie"  to our celebration party today.  We hope she will attend and celebrate with us.  We understand she is very friendly.

UPDATE BY GOOGLE:  This blog will no longer be able to be published, in that both Dan and Vicky Graybill have not been seen for several days.  Their last entry was about inviting Tessie to a celebration.  Their last contact was a photo their camera uploaded after they took a photo of themselves while waiting for Tessie.  If anyone knows what has happened to them, please contact Destination Trail.  It's all a mystery.

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