Saturday, February 15, 2014

49 Palms Hike: Joshua Tree National Park

 This is one of the park’s featured hikes.  It is easy to drive to the trailhead, it is short, and it takes one to an interesting destination.  For this reason, even though we took the trail on a weekday, there were lots of other folks out enjoying it. 

One of the nice features of Joshua Tree National Park is that there is this wide variety of hiking opportunities for people with varying levels of skill, time, and interest. 

The hike is only 3.2 miles, but you get a lot of bang for your buck.  750 feet of elevation gain.  It is basically all up or down.  

The site of the 49 Palm Trees is beautiful, and would be even more beautiful if people weren’t allowed there.  These beautiful and rare trees have been scarred by a fire set by people camping there, illegally.  Plus, as you can see, numerous people have carved their initials into the trees.  Can you imagine carving your initials into a rare treasure like those trees?  What is wrong with people?

Please, US Government, give the Park Services enough money to adequately police our natural areas.  We don't really need a military that is as large as the combined militaries of all of the rest of the world do we?  Are we planning on declaring war on EVERYBODY?  Couldn't we take 1/1000th of the current military budget and give it to the Parks Services?  Please, save our natural areas.  

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