Monday, April 25, 2022

FINALLY…..a rest day!

We have been at our mountain cabin for over a week, and every day we’ve either hiked or cycled.  We decided that it was time to slow down and take a “rest day.”  "Rest day" means that we don’t hike, swim, or cycle.

So we moved the furniture in the living room, rolled up the rug, and played ping pong.

Then Dan put together a wonderful dance list….and held me in his arms as we danced.

Home Depot delivered my new chest freezer, so we carried it in from the street and installed it in Dan’s  “Man Cave” next to my new washer and dryer.  OK, I know that I’m taking over his “Man Cave” (AKA, his tool shed), but I promise that he can have all the rest of the shed.

Now I know what it means when you buy a “manual” defrosting chest freezer.  They included a tiny plastic ice scraper, just for me—how thoughtful.

Since we were taking a rest day, we had time for me to give Dan a haircut….

And time to put up a rare vintage publicity poster of The Searchers.

In the afternoon, Dan worked on his Avanti.  I gave him this model car for his birthday, since it is identical to the vintage car that he had refurbished and drove for many years before he retired.  He has told me many times about how he loved his 1972 Avanti, and how it was a joy to drive this special car.  

I worked on the blanket that I’m knitting for a birthday gift.

At the end of our “rest day,” we were both exhausted.  But we sure did have a fun day!

Maybe we should go hiking tomorrow.  It might feel more like a real rest day.

Yes, our hiking day turned out to be more of a rest day than our official “rest day.” 

Abbey Road, or rather Abbey Trail…..

We see so much beauty and feel such peace hiking and cycling together in our deserts and forests, but nothing compares to the glory of dancing with my love….

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