Friday, November 26, 2021

Dan's sworn testimony


After Vicky saw this video, she tricked me into saying this, “Take the pie out of the freezer.”

But, I mean, it's not my fault, which I will explain later.
First, you need the context of our Thanksgiving meal. 

Vicky making her homemade stuffing:

Yum....homemade gravy:

Pounds and pounds of mashed potatoes:

 It was so delicious.  And I ate so much.  

.....and so did Vicky:

I was stuffed.  I never eat like this.  I went back for seconds.
But, then, when it was desert time, well, it's like I grew another stomach.  Take a look at this pumpkin pie and tell me if you can really blame me.  She made TWO of them.  TWO!

Now, before you even entertain the thought that I am a lazy lout who just watches football on Thanksgiving while his wonderful wife works away in the kitchen, I want you to know that all of the meal was a COOPERATIVE EFFORT!
My two jobs were to sit in the kitchen and tell Vicky that everything looked really good (and I performed magnificently):
and my other job was to put the turkey into the oven and take it out.  It was heavy.  This is a part of a Thanksgiving meal that often goes underappreciated, but once again I performed magnificently:

So, after this totally filling meal, I gorged on pie (for the record, Vicky sorta gorged too). 
Thankfully, Vicky found an article in the New York Times that proved, beyond any doubt, that I am not a pig but that I am, instead, merely responding to my genetically-based survival-of-the-fittest needs.  It's beyond my control.  Sadly, I am the victim of millions of years of evolution. 

So, that piece of pie I'm eating?  That's only one of them.  I ate another just like it.
Well, that's not EXACTLY true, because an hour later, just before bed, I sneaked into the kitchen and found there was still 1/4 of the pie left.  So, answering the call of my genetic evolution, I ate half of it. 
This morning, 12 hours later, while swimming at the pool I remarked how full I felt.
Vicky confessed.  She felt really full too.  She had gone into the refrigerator after she saw me eating the pie before bedtime and had finished it off.  
So we both agreed.  We would freeze the second pie she made and save it for Christmas, since she obviously doesn't have the self-control that I do.

And DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID?   She actually had the audacity to say that she knew I would change my mind and ask to have it unfrozen.  WELL I NEVER!

So I made the video above, making my commitment public.  The whole world will know that when Dan Graybill says to freeze a pie until Christmas he means to freeze a pie until Christmas.  No ifs, ands or buts.

That is until a few hours later, when I asked Vicky to take the second pie out of the freezer.

We danced on Thanksgiving in celebration of all we have to be thankful for….

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