Saturday, November 14, 2020

An afternoon with Candice at Nuestra Casa

Dan and I were so excited!  Candice came to Tucson to look for a home in the sun and asked if she could come by to visit us.  

Normally she would not have needed to ask.  Of course, we always want and welcome any and all of our family to our home.  But these are not normal times.  The pandemic is raging across the world, the United States, and Arizona. 

And we are old.  Although we don’t feel old.  A while ago we read this, “the problem with getting old is that when you’re old, you don’t feel old.”  But we are in our early 70’s and as far as Covid-19 is concerned,  WE ARE OLD and that puts us in the high risk category.  And Dan has cancer.  So Candice had to ask if she could visit us at our home, Nuestra Casa.

Luckily we live in sunny Arizona, so we could have a safe visit with Candice for an entire afternoon and into early evening.  We wore face masks, social distanced, and spent most of our day outside, talking, laughing, and just spending time together on our front and back patios.  We were surrounded by our beautiful flower gardens, towering eucalyptus trees, the grassy fairway, and love for each other.

We dropped our masks for 2 seconds so Dan could take a photo of our maskless faces.

We have not seen any family since Jules visited us last January, ten months ago.  We have had to cancel numerous visits with our children and grandchildren.  It breaks our hearts.

Candice’s visit yesterday is one of the highlights of the year, along with Jules' visit.  We will always remember this day.

As the sun began to set and Candice gathered her things together, Dan asked if she would stay a few minutes longer.  She had never seen us dance, and he wanted Candice to see her mother dance.

Dan turned on Neil Diamond’s beautiful song, a waltz, “You are the sun, I am the moon.”  We held each other and danced for Candice.  As the music drew to an end, Candice had tears in her eyes.  She stated simply, “I’m so glad that you have each other.”

Our day in the sun was over.  We gave each other air hugs.  As Candice drove away we waved and blew kisses to each other, and I had tears in my eyes.

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