Thursday, September 17, 2020

Grandchildren living in the country

Ryan and Rachelle met in graduate school.  

This is the story that I remember Ryan telling about how they met.  Every morning Rachelle came to class late, balancing her coffee and a big pile of books in her arms.  She would try to sneak into the classroom, smiling and looking sheepish.  And then, EVERY day, after a brief moment or two her books would slide off her desk and crash onto the floor. 

After a few days Ryan would humorously watch Rachelle as she arrived at class, anticipating the books sliding from the desk and crashing to the floor.  He would see her horrified expression that blossomed into a smile, laugh, and apology.  Everyone then knew Rachelle that was there and class could “officially “ begin.

Ryan was smitten and they have been together ever since!

Rachelle had an environmental science degree and Ryan‘s major was engineering and math.  They were getting masters degrees in their fields combined with  a teaching certificate. Their plan was to build a home out in a rural area and they were committed to creating an environmentally friendly, sustainable lifestyle. 

Ryan and Rachelle lived for several years in a 30’ diameter yurt, drove an old car, and saved every penny they could.  They made that tiny yurt into a beautiful, cozy home. They even fit their piano into the yurt, by using it as a wall between the living area and their bed.

Their first two children were born in this little home in the woods.  

They now have their dream home on twenty beautiful acres in the countryside.  They raise farm animals and the children have fun with their pets (both wild and domestic).  There are fields, woods, and wetlands for their children, to run, roam, play, and explore.  

Rachelle and Ryan sent us some pictures of these special grandchildren.  Each picture shows a glimpse into their life at a moment in time.  We can see the inner joy and individual personality of each grandchild. 

Rachelle homeschooling their children:

The eldest in the field near the garden and clothesline (looks like she may have been playing in the pond):

and playing with her kitten:


With her mother and her kitten that has grown into a cat:

The middle child loves cars and to build things. Here he is with his Lego vehicle creations:

Harvesting potatoes:

Learning to ride his bike with his father’s help:

The youngest loves to be out in the wild and brings home frogs, lizards, snakes, and just about anything alive he can find on his adventures.  Here he is in his element near the chicken coop:

As a young George Washington (with a wad of sheep’s wool on his head):

Each one of our eleven grandchildren is so special to us and we love each of them so very much!

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