Monday, May 22, 2017

Two 50-mile rides on the Burke-Gilman Trail

One our philosophies about cycling is to have several different rides we enjoy.  In addition to the several different Whidbey Island rides we do, we go all over the state to ride.

Last week, for example, we went to the Tri-cities and rode the Inland Empire with Jules.

This weekend we went to Seattle and rode twice on the Burke-Gilman trail, doing 50 miles each time.

This ride is an old stand-by.  We have done it dozens of times.  The key to enjoying it is to not make it all we do.

One of the best parts of the Burke-Gilman is that one goes through many different types of areas.  From where we usually start we ride along Lake Washington, through Bothel, along the Sammamish River, and then along Lake Sammamish.   Another good part of the ride is that it isn't hilly.  Now, before you think that "not being hilly" means easy, it doesn't.  It is just a different way of riding, a more constant pedaling.  Doing that is almost like cross-training on a bike.  On a flat surface one can take it easy or one can go all out.  Both days we went all out, for 50 miles each time.  That is very hard work, as hard as riding the hills of Whidbey Island......only different.  Different muscles, and different aerobic demands.

On our first day's ride we were "accompanied" by Jules.  When we say accompanied, what we mean by that is that we saw him at the start and at the finish.  He's so much more accomplished that we are that this is the best way to do it.

It doesn't matter. I still feel like I am "riding" with my son.  I want him to be stronger than me.  Why would I want anything different?  It's really special.

A nice woman offered to take our photo at our lunch spot on the first day:

And I got this one of Vicky at our lunch spot on the second day:

I have such good memories of riding with Vicky and Jules on this trail.  These past two days have added to those memories.

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