Saturday, February 6, 2016

I want a campsite in the BLM named for me too! Bob E. Black's Camp

One of the things you learn about camping, hiking, and exploring BLM lands is that you frequently run into weird things.  In our previous blog post we mentioned how BLM lands seem to be dump sites for, in particular, old sofas.   There aren't many old dressers or dining room tables, or stoves.  But sofas?  We think it is because people bring their old one out to use it for a weekend and then just leave it, but that's of course just making up stuff.

This week's weird thing is a campsite where someone built a memorial to someone named Bob E. Black.

Now it is highly unlikely that anyone had permission to do this.  It is, after all, public lands, and people can't just built whatever they want to on them.

But the BLM also probably has to have the philosophy to not sweat the small stuff.  The land is so vast and the resources for monitoring are so limited that this almost has to be the philosophy.  There are much bigger fish to fry than a group of people who want to honor their friend with this type of thing.

But, who is Bob E. Black?  We can't find out anything about him.  We imagine (duh) that he was a shooter.

We want one too!  A Vicky Dan Graybill camp.  Seems only fair.  And anyone can visit it as long as they leave their sofa at home.

And instead of bullets, we'd like dancing shoes stuck into concrete.

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