Tuesday, September 1, 2015

When it rains, and you can't bike or hike....

Play ping pong!

We bought a table this year.  Not sure how it occurred to us to do that.  In fact, yesterday we tried to recall how we first thought about it and arrived at the decision.  We couldn't remember.

But we did.  We got a nice one, using our philosophy that money spent up front on things usually pays off on the backside if you either want them to last for a time or you want to sell them on Craigslist.

It folds up easily and rolls into the garage.  Usually we play on our breezeway, but it has been windy and kind of cold these last few days.  So we took advantage of the fact that we have a large great room, and rolled it into there.

We try to play 30 minutes a day.  It is good exercise, although not as good as hiking, biking or dancing.  But it is good for fine motor coordination and balance, and it does accomplish that health goal of standing for as much of the day as you can. 

Since we had played little ping pong since the 1960s, we decided we should revisit the rules.


A game is no longer played to 21 points.  That was changed to 11 points to accommodate television viewers with short attention spans (a redundancy I know).  My opinion is that if the powers above want to shorten an athletic event that they should shorten soccer games to about 10 minutes because I get bored with it long before then.

Also, you no longer serve five points at a time but instead serve two points at a time.

We still play to 21. 

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