Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Notice to drivers: YOU ARE BEING RECORDED!

My son-in-law, Sean, had an incident on his bike where somebody purposefully tried to hit him.  He had to bail.

Cyclists seem to bring out the worst in some people.  I know cyclists can sometimes be jerks, but the amount of venom that is directed toward them exceeds their jerk factor.  It is something else.  One theory I have is that many people don't like it when other people are happier than they are, and cyclists often appear happy and healthy.

So how do you ride bikes for fun when you know there is a certain percentage of drivers who are (1) hostile jerks who will try to kill you, or, (2) inattentive because of various factors (usually, these days, because of texting and talking on cellphones, even hands free, while driving).

It won't prevent all future accidents, but if everybody had one it could probably help:  A GoPro camera.

GoPro is a camera that attaches to your handlebars and records everything that happens.

Look how many people have been caught recently by surveillance cameras.  While they may not directly lead to good behavior, over time they might when people realize their unsafe driving is being recorded and can be used to prosecute them.

Here is ours.  See it on my handlebars?

And here are two photos it took of cars passing Vicky, and those photos blown up to reveal the passing car's license plate: (these folks driving these cars are in that 99+% of good drivers)

So, to all drivers everywhere.  If you fail to give Vicky the three feet of space the law demands, you will get your photo sent to the Sheriff's office.  

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