Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My first hike at Mount Rainier......honest

I have been retired and living on  Whidbey Island for 5+ years now.

It has taken me this long to get to Mt. Rainier, the primo destination in the state.

I don't really have an explanation as to why.  There are so many other beautiful destinations for hiking and biking that are closer, but still, to not have been to Rainier yet?

I had been wanting to take a hike with my Mountaineer friends, but the STP, family, and other obligations this summer has made that difficult.  Finally we decided we had to work one in even if it meant having a tight schedule this weekend.  I'm glad I did.  Got to see Chris Ann, John, and Ed, and meet some new people.  Oh yes, and see Mt. Rainier.

The hike was to the Fremont Lookout from Sunrise Lodge.

Most of the hikes I take leave from trail heads where, depending on the day of the week and the popularity of the hike, there might be from one car (ours) to a few dozen.  I was not prepared for Sunrise Lodge, which felt more like I was at Disneyworld than in the outdoors.  However, the Park Service does a great job of managing a large number of people at Mt. Rainier and keeping the hiking as true to nature as it can be.  I was impressed.

Here is a photo Chris Ann took of Vicky and me:

For those of you who may be wondering, that's little thing behind us is Mt. Rainier.

I emailed this photo to my kids and their spouses.  Sean (Emily's husband) wrote back:

"The most important thing about photography, aside from lighting and composition, is having an interesting subject to shoot. So, if I were to "enhance" your rather bland, run-of-the-mill ho-hum landscape shot and place some awesomeness to it, you will agree it looks way better."

 I must agree with Sean.  The photo in its original form was boring.  Really, what in it was worth looking at?  If this is all there is, it will probably be another five years before we return to Mt. Rainier.

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