Monday, October 14, 2024

We live in a wildlife zoo

Here are videos and photos of some of the animals that have been in our yard and on our front and back porches:  Elk, Deer, Javelinas, Mountain Lions, Foxes, and Coyotes. 

A mama javelina with her little tiny baby….

Coues deer—about half the size of the white-tail deer….

Birds nesting in the rafters of our front porch….

Baby chipmunks born in a drawer on our front porch….

We see more wildlife surrounding our cabin than we do in the wilds when we’re camping and hiking!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Moab 240 Endurance Run….and they’re off!

We were the VERY first to arrive at Race Headquarters to help set up Candice’s 240 mile race in the Moab, Utah area. 

For the past week there was a crew out running and riding dirt bikes in order to put up thousands of “dragons” (flags) to mark the route of the Moab 240 for the runners who will be running the course in less than a week.

Here is our good friend, Adam, leaving “bread crumbs” for the runners….

The whole area at Race Headquarters was soon bustling with constant activity—day and night.

Unloading the trailers….

Assembly line working on 240 swag bags for the 240 runners….

Swag bag pick up tent, with Mika, Adam (Headquarters Manager), Garrett, and Sean taking time out to smile and wave at me while I took their photo….

The volunteer and staff food tent….

My Danny and I set up the “Merch” tent….

Our very first sale to our friend and fellow volunteer from Canada, Randy….

New Moab 240 orchid (or pink) hoodies….

The “Kitchen Boys,” Will and Sean, started our delicious breakfast every morning an hour before anyone else was even awake….

The start/finish line arch….

Another new friend, Ed, really enjoyed doing the dishes after every meal.  It turns out that his dad lives just a block away from Nuestra Casa, our home in Leisure World.  Ed has actually run the Turkey Trot in Leisure World!  And his cousin lives only two blocks away from our cabin in Pine!  

Just a few of the supplies for the fifteen aid/rest/sleep stations….

Our friend, Melody, showed us the Triple Crown award that she got for running all three 200 mile races last year—the Tahoe 200, the Bigfoot 200, and the Moab 240.  And she just finished hiking the Appalachian Trail this summer.  What a feat….way to go, Melody!

Dancing during a break at the Moab 240….

Garrett, President of Candice’s race business, Destination Trail Races, in  his official “office.”  We consider him part of our family….

Another break—we took a short hike by to the Colorado River.

Candice and Garrett as the 240 runners lined up to start the race….

Candice gave a very moving speech honoring the late Stephen Jones, who shared his idea with Candice for a Moab 200 race.  Stephen Jones father, Ed, has been part of the Moab 240 from its inception in 2017. He is the head of the Communications Unit, where his team tracks all the runners and helps to coordinate the rescue of a runner in the rare situation when that is needed.  

Ed Jones is a kind gentle man, and from the start he has supported Candice in her vision to create this race and dedicate it to his son.

….and the runners are off on the start of their multi-day journey for 240 miles in this absolutely stunningly-beautiful part of our country!

Surprisingly, I even caught a photo of Jess, number 85,  as she ran by us at the start of the race…her 5th Moab 240 run!

In the midst of the monstrous undertaking of putting on a 240 mile race with 240 participants, over 100 volunteers, and a handful of staff, Candice wanted to have a private dinner with us.  Thank you, Candice.

We surprised her with an early birthday present….two books that we put together about her Guinness Ultra Marathon World Record.  

The books included a variety of news articles, interviews, podcasts, and even Candice’s own poems, thoughts, and writings about her life, running, and world record accomplishment.
[Dan's addition:  Vicky is so sweet giving me partial credit for these books.  Actually she worked hours and hours on them, making each page "just right."  I got to watch her pour her love into them.  I love watching her be a Mom.  She was born to it.]

We said goodbye to our dear daughter with tears in our eyes and love in our hearts….

….and we’re off to camp, hike, and dance on the Mogollon Rim in the Coconino National Forest….a playground that we love so much !

Monday, October 7, 2024

Best days of our lives….

 We have found each other.  We have found peace and contentment. 

Dancing in Bears Ears National Monument:

We have found our soul mate….