We have needed lots of extra help this winter.
Dan broke his right wrist a few months ago while we were hiking. Then six weeks ago I slipped on a patch of ice and fell and broke my arm and wrist while walking together in Leisure World.
I had to have surgery to fix my arm and wrist. The same week my Danny had surgery to get a pacemaker inserted in his chest. For six weeks he hasn’t been allowed to lift anything more than 10 pounds with his left arm, or raise it above his shoulder. Fortunately, Candice came stayed with us the week that we both had surgery and she waited on us both hand and foot….even got me dressed and braided my hair.
But we still can’t do very much on our own, or even together. Although we have completed many tasks using my good left hand and Dan’s sort of ok right hand where he had broken his wrist and has arthritis.
Every year during his Spring Break Soren has come to stay with us for a week. This year he insisted that he would only visit us if we would let him do EVERYTHING for us.
He’s right, we really did need him—not just because he’s fun and entertaining and we love him, but we also did need his help.
He was constantly asking, “What else can I do.” Or he scolded us and took things from our arms if he saw us carrying anything. He was a huge help and added joy to each day that he was here.
Thank you, Soren, for all you did for us—and always cheerfully. To add to the fun, he was often joking with Grandpa. We think Soren is an apprentice of Grandpa’s ….learning the art of “old man humor,” from the best.
The following is a list of just a few of the ways that Soren helped us:
Completed getting our trikes ready for us to ride when the doctors give us the ok….
Swept the patios and walkways at both our home in Mesa and our Cabin in Pine….